Bylaws of the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI)

Bylaws of the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI)

1.            The name of the Association is the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters (DACTI) (in Danish: Translatørforeningen). The registered office of the Association is situated in Copenhagen. The Association is a national organisation representing the professional interests of its members, who operate as either self-employed certified translators or self-employed certified translators and interpreters in Denmark.

2. (1)       The objects of the Association are to promote the professional interests of its members and to offer members networking and professional socialising opportunities.

(2)           In pursuing its objects, the Association must strive to:

  • safeguard and improve the opportunities of members to exercise their profession;
  • safeguard and improve the opportunities of members to develop their professional skills through initiatives such as continuing education and other events targeted at professional translators and interpreters;
  • host events offering members networking and professional socialising opportunities; and
  • maintain high quality standards within the translation and interpreting industry and contribute to ensuring high professional and ethical standards within the industry in close dialogue with authorities, educational institutions and relevant trade organisations.

3. (1)          Persons who operate as either self-employed translators or self-employed translators and interpreters can be admitted as members of the Association with voting rights and eligibility to stand for election as officers of the Association if they meet the following qualification requirements:

  • (i) MA in International Business Communication (cand. ling.merc.) (specialising in either translation or translation and interpreting between Danish and one foreign language) or MA in International Business Communication (cand.interpret.) (between Danish and one foreign language); or
  • (ii) examination to qualify as a state-authorised translator and interpreter (between Danish and one foreign language), see the Danish Executive Order of 4 October 1983 on the Examination to Qualify as a State-Authorised Translator and Interpreter held at the Copenhagen Business School and Aarhus School of Business; or
  • (iii) master’s degree in foreign language studies from a Danish university or in Danish language studies from a university in another country and, in both cases, at least five years of proven experience in the field of either translation or translation and interpreting (between Danish and the language of that country); Applicants who are not able to prove five years of experience in the field of either translation or the fields of translation and interpreting can be admitted as members of the Association if they pass the admission test conducted by the Association; or
  • (iv) other master’s degree of relevance to the profession of certified translators and interpreters if they pass the admission test conducted by the Association.

Members of the Association with voting rights and eligibility to stand for election as officers of the Association are entitled to use the designation ‘Member of the Danish Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters’ (in Danish: Medlem af Translatørforeningen) after their names.

(2)            Detailed guidelines for applying for membership of the Association are provided in the guidance on application for membership of the Association issued by the Executive Committee and in force at any time. The guidance is available on the website of the Association and will also be handed out to applicants.

Applications must be accompanied by documentation of the required qualifications as set out in subsection (1)(i) to (iv) as well as a declaration accepting the ethical rules of the Association. The Executive Committee or a committee established by the Executive Committee (the Evaluation Committee) will determine whether the requirements have been met as prescribed by the guidelines adopted by the Executive Committee.

The final decision on admission of members to the Association is made by the Executive Committee upon recommendation from the Evaluation Committee on the basis of an overall assessment of the relevant applicant’s qualifications, experience, etc. The decision of the Executive Committee is final; however, an applicant who has been refused admission may re-apply for admission if he or she acquires additional qualifications and/or experience.

(3)            The admission test referred to in subsection (1)(iii) and (iv) comprises written and, if relevant, oral tests in legal and financial language (both to and from Danish). Detailed guidelines for the conduct of admission tests, including the preparation and evaluation of tests, are provided in the guidance on the conduct of admission tests issued by the Executive Committee and in force at any time. The guidance is available on the website of the Association. The Association reserves the right to refuse any application for membership as a certified translator of a language in which it is deemed impossible in practice by the Association to conduct the admission test.

(4)            Members operating as either self-employed translators or self-employed translators and interpreters who possess the qualifications required under subsection (1), but have ceased to operate as either self-employed translators or self-employed translators and interpreters and are not working as salaried employees, can be admitted as non-practising members of the Association without voting rights and eligibility to stand for election. Such non-practising members are not entitled to use the designation ‘Member of the Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters’ after their names.

(5)            Salaried employees who do not operate as either self-employed translators or self-employed translators and interpreters as well as students can be admitted as members on special terms without voting rights and eligibility to stand for election (information membership/student membership). Such non-practising members are not entitled to use the designation ‘Member of the Association of Certified Translators and Interpreters’ after their names.

(6)            Any member who acts contrary to the interests of the Association, including by acting in material breach of the Association’s ethical rules, see section 4(5), can be expelled from the Association. Decisions on expulsion are made by the Executive Committee. However, the Executive Committee must seek negotiation with the relevant member before making any such decision.

The relevant member must be notified of the decision by registered post without delay, including of the reason for the expulsion. The decision of the Executive Committee can be submitted to the next General Meeting for a final decision.

Any expelled member can be readmitted as a member of the Association if a resolution to readmit that member is passed by the Association in General Meeting upon recommendation from the Executive Committee.

(7)            The Executive Committee may propose candidates for honorary membership. Candidates for honorary membership who are not already members of the Association will not acquire voting rights or become eligible to stand for election upon admission as honorary members. Any resolution to appoint an honorary member must be passed by at least three-fourths of the votes cast at a General Meeting. Honorary members are exempt from the payment of membership fees.

Rights and duties of members
4. (1)         Members must pay an annual membership fee to the Association. Membership fees must be determined by the Association in General Meeting, and different amounts may be determined for each membership category. Membership fees are collected once a year.

(2)            Membership commences and membership fees become payable on the first calendar day of the month following the decision of admission. Membership can be terminated by written notice. Notice of termination must be given by 1 December to take effect as from the end of the current financial year. Membership fees for the remainder of the annual membership period will not be reimbursed.

(3)            Members who operate as either self-employed translators or self-employed translators and interpreters as set out in section 3(1) are covered by mandatory professional indemnity insurance. The insurance premium is collected annually as at 1 January. The period of insurance coincides with the calendar year, and the insurance cover of members resigning from membership of the Association can be terminated only as at the annual renewal date (31 December).

(4)            Members with voting rights and eligibility to stand for election under section 3(1) undertake to keep abreast of developments within their profession and to maintain and develop their professional skills, see the rules of the Association on continuing education and maintenance and development of skills in force at any time, which are available on the website of the Association. Members must re-confirm their membership of the Association every two years by way of a declaration that they have carried out relevant professional work and have satisfied the requirement of continuing education in the past two years.

(5)            Members with voting rights and eligibility to stand for election under section 3(1) undertake to comply with the ethical rules of the Association in force at any time and available on the website of the Association.

5.            The Executive Committee must appoint representatives of the Association to associations, commissions and other bodies of which the Association is a member or on which it is represented.

General Meetings
6. (1)         The General Meeting is the supreme authority of the Association.

(2)            The Annual General Meeting must be held every year before the end of May, alternately in Metropolitan Copenhagen and outside of Metropolitan Copenhagen. In case of force majeure, the Executive Committee will decide on relevant initiatives in terms of the time, place and manner that it deems necessary for the General Meeting to be held.

The Annual General Meeting must be convened by the Executive Committee giving at least four weeks’ notice by email to each individual member at the email address provided by the member. The notice convening the meeting must be accompanied by a preliminary agenda and a request to submit any proposals by email to the Chairman or the secretary of the Association within one week.

The audited financial statements and the written report of the Chairman must be emailed to the members together with the preliminary agenda.

If the Chairman receives proposals for additional agenda items, the final agenda comprising such proposed items must be sent to the members at least two weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

(3)            Candidates for election as Chairman, member of the Executive Committee or auditor must either be present in person at the Annual General Meeting or must give their written consent to stand for election.

(4)            The agenda of the Annual General Meeting must include:

      1. Election of chairman of the meeting
      2. Election of minute taker
      3. Report of the Chairman
      4. Adoption of the audited financial statements for the previous financial year
      5. Approval of the budget of the Association for the current financial year and determination of membership fees
      6. Election
        a. Election of Chairman
        b. Election of members to the Executive Committee
        c. Election of first and second alternate members to the Executive Committee
        d. Election of internal auditor
        e. Election of external auditor

      7. Resolutions proposed by the Executive Committee or members
      8. Any other business

(5)            Members of the Executive Committee cannot be elected to chair General Meetings. The chairman of the meeting presides over the proceedings at General Meetings and decides all matters pertaining to the transaction of business, voting, etc.

(6)            Minutes of General Meetings must be circulated to all members and must be made available to members at the website of the Association no later than two weeks after the date of the General Meeting.

(7)            The Chairman and the other members of the Executive Committee are elected to hold office for two-year terms. However, the first and second alternate members as well as the internal auditor are elected to hold office for one-year terms. In even years, the Chairman and half of the members of the Executive Committee will retire. In odd years, the other half of the members of the Executive Committee will retire. If more than half of the members of the Executive Board retire at any General Meeting, the newly elected member(s) of the Executive Committee who are to retire must be determined by lot. All members are eligible for re-election.

(8)            The General Meeting forms a quorum when at least 15 per cent of the voting members are present. Members admitted to the Association pursuant to section 3(1) have voting rights. Voting members are entitled to appoint another voting member as their proxy to represent them at General Meetings. Each member can be appointed as proxy to represent no more than three other members. Members in arrears in paying their membership fees are not entitled to attend or vote at General Meetings.

(9)            Resolutions at General Meetings must be passed by a simple majority of votes, but see section 8(2) and section 12(1).

(10)          A secret ballot must be held upon request from the chairman of the meeting or a voting member.

(11)          The Association in General Meeting can resolve to authorise the Executive Committee to put a specific proposed resolution to the vote by way of either a paper ballot or an electronic vote among all voting members of the Association.

Extraordinary General Meetings
7.            Extraordinary General Meetings must be convened by the Executive Committee at no less than two weeks’ notice upon receipt by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of a written request to such effect from 20 voting members representing at least 10 per cent of all voting members or from the auditor of the Association, specifying the issue(s) to be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened no later than four weeks after receipt of such request by the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

8. (1)          In order to be considered at the Annual General Meeting, any resolution proposed by members to amend these Bylaws must reach the Chairman no later than three weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

(2)            Any amendment to these Bylaws must be adopted by at least two-thirds of the voting members of the Association. If two-thirds or more of the voting members of the Association are not present or represented by proxy at the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting for a date no earlier than two weeks after the date of the Annual General Meeting. The notice convening the meeting must specify the proposed resolution. At the Extraordinary General Meeting, the proposed amendment to these Bylaws will be adopted if at least two-thirds of the votes present or represented are in favour of the proposed amendment. Alternatively, an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting can resolve, by a simple majority of votes, to authorise the Executive Committee to put the specific proposed resolution to amend the Bylaws to the vote by way of either a paper ballot or an electronic vote among the voting members of the Association. In that case, the resolution to amend the Bylaws will be passed if a simple majority of the votes cast are in favour of the proposed amendment.

Executive Committee
9. (1)        The Executive Committee is in charge of the day-to-day management of the Association in accordance with the current Bylaws of the Association and the resolutions passed by the General Meeting.

(2)            The Executive Committee is composed of the Chairman and six other members. The Executive Committee must elect a Deputy Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer from among its members. The Executive Committee must adopt rules of procedure governing the performance of its duties and must determine the allocation of responsibilities among its members. The Executive Committee must elect its officers no later than one month after the election of new members to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee must keep a minute book of the proceedings at Executive Committee meetings and General Meetings, etc.

(3)            If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee during the year, or a member of the Executive Committee is absent or unable to attend for an extended period, the alternate members must fill such vacancy in the order of their election and must serve until a new Executive Committee member is elected at the next Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting, or until the relevant member has resumed his or her duties on the Executive Committee.

(4)            In special circumstances, the Executive Committee may put a proposed resolution to the vote of all voting members of the Association without convening a General Meeting. Any such proposed resolution can be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast.

(5)            In order for a resolution to be validly passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee, more than half of the Executive Committee members must be present at the meeting and vote in favour of the resolution. Resolutions can also be voted on and passed by the Executive Committee members by circulation procedure between meetings. In case of an equality of votes, the Chairman has the casting vote.

Power to bind the Association, Secretariat, etc.
10. (1)      The Association is bound by the joint signatures of the Chairman and/or the Deputy Chairman and another member of the Executive Committee.

(2)            The Association has a Secretariat composed of a secretary and other employees, if relevant, tasked with supporting the activities of the Executive Committee and members.

(3)            The secretary of the Association must attend Executive Committee meetings and General Meetings, but has no voting rights. Employees of the Secretariat are not eligible for election to the Executive Committee.

Budget and financial statements
11. (1)       The financial year of the Association coincides with the calendar year.

(2)            The budget of the Association for the current financial year must be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval. During the period from the end of the previous financial year to the adoption of a new budget, the previous year’s budget will be used as a preliminary budget.

(3)            The financial statements must be audited by an external auditor elected by the Association in General Meeting and must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements must be presented so as to enable a comparison with the items in the financial statements of the previous year. Both internal and external auditors are entitled to access all accounting records of the Association at any time without prior notification.

(4)            The audited financial statements with the audit report must be submitted to the Chairman by 1 May.

12.            Any resolution to dissolve the Association must be passed by at least three-fourths of the votes cast at a General Meeting attended by at least 40 per cent of the voting members. Subsequently, the resolution must be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast by all voting members of the Association. No such resolution to dissolve the Association can be passed by way of electronic voting.

(2)            In case of dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association accrue to its current voting members at the time of the dissolution.


Adopted by ballot after the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 and following the incorporation of consequential amendments, see minutes of the Executive Board meeting on 8 December 2022.

Susanne Simonsen, chairman of the meeting                                   Mette Davies, Chairman



Lindevangs Allé 2 • DK-2000 Frederiksberg • Tel. +45 33 11 84 14 •